The Church on the Cutting Edge of Technology!?!?!? 

It’s amazing the advancement that has taken place in the world of technology and how we the church are able to reach the lost world wide! Our stages are enhanced with fancy lighting, designed sets used to create an atmosphere for worship; lights, cameras, smoke, videos and our bible scriptures shown during service.

Many churches now offer On-Demand, Podcast,  or Watch-live services, through the social media! Think about it our US soldiers are now able to view our services around the world, while others relax in their pajamas on Sunday mornings never having to leave home...Wow!!! In one sense it’s spectacular yet in another sense how convenient. I must admit it can become a little mind boggling. 

Don’t misunderstand me, I both, appreciate and make daily use of today’s technology. I believe it’s a God Idea. He alone opens the mind of men to tap into such a broad spectrum of technical expansion, whereby millions are afforded the opportunity to receive His word; in homes, through internet, phones, computers, etc. Yet, I must admit there is a bit of concern.

Why the mixed emotions? I’ll tell you why...I fear that many in this generation (if not prayerful) will experience the hype of technology yet missed the life changing power of the Holy Ghost. 

Nothing, absolutely nothing, will ever be more powerful, more affective, more precious, more needed than the Holy Spirit!!! The gifts of the Holy Ghost must never be replaced by the gifts of men. The Apostle Paul wrote “ preaching was not with enticing words of man’s wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power”. 2 Corinthians 2:4. 

We must never negate the signs and wonders that are to follow the preached word; or allow them to fall by the wayside. Mark 16:20 says, “And they went forth, and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following”. 

I Corinthians the 12th chapter tells us about the 9 Gifts of the Holy Spirit that are to be in full operation in the body of Christ; (Thank you Holy Spirit for your precious gifts)!!! There’s nothing more miraculous than seeing the gift of prophesy flow for the edification of the body, or to hear an unknown language spoken and then interpreted, nothing more valuable than the Word of Knowledge followed by the Word of Wisdom. There’s nothing more astounding than to see demons fall subject to the name of Jesus and casted out. Oh that we might experience the gifts of miracles...the deaf hear, the blind see, lame walk, people set free by the power of God. It is the anointing, not technology that destroys the yokes!!!

Yes, thank God for technology as we remain on the cutting edge, utilizing everything available for the advancing of the Kingdom, but we must always, always, cherish, embrace and welcome the Holy Spirit!!!  

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"Called to provoke, kindle and ignite the people of God to love His Word."